Because I read two novels this weekend that took my breath away, and it's a Monday (nuff said), and it's October (the
perfect month), and my birthday ( I've decided gratitude is the key to gracious aging), and I needed two blankets on my bed last night (snuggling weather!). . .
Let's give some books away!
Now for the breathtaking books....
Inara Scott took the classic brilliant young woman-bad boy-good boy triangle and turned it into a "oh, shoot, I've missed my dental appointment and burned the roast" triumph. Turning each page was a supreme effort, because I knew the sequel wasn't sitting on my bookshelf...or the bookstore's bookshelf...and I
really want to know what happens next. I passed out bookmarks to my local librarians and suggested they jump on the bandwagon early.
Delcroix Academy: The Candidates is YA perfection.
Insatiable sat on my shelf for two months because I am a rather busy woman, and knew the laundry and dear parents and children needed attention and the garden was one weed away from being declared a wildlife preserve....and I'm an idiot. It is a good thing I waited a bit to read this treasure, however, because after I read it....I couldn't write. Not right away. I knew I had read perfection, perfection for
me, and I had to analyze why those words, that theme, that voice, made it so. Nope, I couldn't just enjoy the story. I had to rest, gather my thoughts, breath fresh air and then go back and figure out why this book was so utterly captivating.
I'm still working on it.
So--what is/are your Ah-Ha! book(s)? What epiphanies have they wrought? Share your treasures, and I'll share mine. Because treasures are personal, I'll be asking the winners what genre (inspirational, suspense, contemporary, etc) trips their trigger, and then I'll chose the prizes accordingly. I'll announce two book winners here next Monday.