Sunday, July 4, 2010

Make Your Own Fireworks...

No, I'm not advocating home-manufactured explosives. (Those little firecrackers in cored apples are entertaining, however, as long as you have chickens to clean up the mess. Or Diet Coke and Mentos. All-American fun, and educational to boot.)

I'm saying, if the weather has the impudence to rain on your fourth of July party,  or you're just not that into the whole boom and light show...then you need a way to add some sparkle to your day.

I'm recommending:
1. Paranormals with explosives. How about  Warrior Ascended by Addison Fox? Yum! Or maybe Alyssa Day's Atlantis series? Love them!

2. Regency fireworks. If you haven't read Anna Campbell's new My Reckless Surrender --- you'd better hope for rain. You'll need it to cool off!

3. Rent Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief. Starring Pierce Brosnan and Sean Bean, it's not just for kiddos---but you can watch it with your kids. And things go BOOM! Excellent. :)

So...I wish you all a sparkly, happy, patriotic 4th of July.  Did you have a wonderful time?


Renee said...

My youngest devoured the Percy Jackson series in days. She just finished The Red Pyramid.

Marnee Bailey said...

Thanks for the recommends. I'm in the middle of Anna's book right now. :)

I don't know if I got a chance to wish you congrats on your GH final, Gillian! Congratulations! Can't wait to hear how you do!

Mary Curry said...

My class was fanatical about Percy Jackson, though they tended to prefer the books to the movie. I'm really looking forward to his new Series about Percy and friends due this fall!

Growing up, my girls always had their own "fireworks" in the form of cookies with multicolored sprinkles. It's sweet to see them carry on that tradition as they get older.

Hope you had a great weekend, Gillian.

Gillian Layne said...

Hi Renee! Did she like The Red Pyramid? The cover is so neat!

Hi Marnee! Thanks so much for the kind words. :)

I love the thought of sparkly cookies, Mary. It's the basic traditions that mean so much to kids, and are easy to carry on. Thanks for stopping by!