Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

A blessed Thanksgiving day to each of my friends and loved ones. I am grateful for each one of you!

May peace, contentment, and a table full of friends, family, and delicious food grace your day.


Mary Curry said...

Belated Happy Thanksgiving, Gillian. I love this picture. I use it as a writing prompt each year for my 4th graders. They always have fun with it.

Gillian Layne said...

Mary, I bet that is so much fun! :)

Mary Bergfeld said...

Gillian,this is my first visit to your blog, so I've spent some time browsing through your earlier post. I am so glad I did that. You've created a grand and civil spot for your readers to visit and I really enjoyed the time I spent here. I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Gillian Layne said...

Why, Mary, that is one of the kindest comments I've ever received. Thank you so very, very much. Have a lovely weekend!

cambodia-travel said...

Yeah..Happy Thanksgivings...

And now time to say Happy Marry Xmas and New Year..

Wish you all the best wishes...


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